We are so excited to journey with you this upcoming year! Even with the ever-changing environment, Jesus is the same - yesterday, today and tomorrow. He continually invites us to a closer relationship with him.
What does this mean? It means that as primary educators of the faith, parents are called to learn about, grow in and live the faith by example in daily life and through prayer, worship and service. By doing so, the entire family comes to a deeper understanding of the Sacraments, Traditions and Beliefs we profess during the Mass and live in daily life. Working together to build the kingdom of God, we are all being transformed and formed into followers of Jesus Christ.
How would you like your family to grow spiritually? What questions do you have about the faith? Please call us at (408) 779-9604 to talk further about your faith journey and for information about Family Faith Formation.
Before you register for Family Faith Formation, your family must be registered parishioners of St. Catherine Church. If you are not currently a member, please fill out the Parish Registration Form to register your family with the parish.
Adult Faith Formation is through weekly bible studies, small group communities and the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) for those interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and/or becoming fully initiated in the Catholic Church.
Elementary and Middle School Faith Formationare sessions for children in grades 1 through 8 and their families. The sessions support families as they grow in their relationship with God, prepare for the Sacraments, and discover the truth and beauty of the Catholic Faith. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for Children formation process is for families with children over the age of 7 who have not yet been baptized.
High School Baptism, First Reconciliation and/or First Holy Communion Sacramental Preparation supports youth in grades 9-12 who have not yet been baptized or who have not received First Reconciliation or First Communion. Families are asked to schedule a meeting with the Faith Formation and Youth Ministry Directors prior to registering for the program.
We look forward to accompanying you and your child(ren) as you LEARN, SHARE, CELEBRATE, PRAY and LIVE as followers of Jesus!