The worship space in a church does not dictate how an assembly should pray. Instead, the space is an expression of the prayer lives of the people and should foster the development of those people by enabling them to celebrate the sacraments in an integrating way.
The primary responsibility of the Environment and Art Minister (EAM) is to implement the environment and art design for liturgical seasons, including decorating and setting up the church and O'Donnell Parish Center.
A separate area of responsibility is to help in the regular weekly maintenance of the church environment and art. Different tasks require different time commitments as seasonal changes occur several times a year with varying time needed from one day to several days. Weekly maintenance needs a few hours per week. Knowledge and skills required: (1) knowledge & love of the liturgy; (2) different tasks require different skills from cleaning to sewing to creativity like flower arrangement and design of liturgical space; (3) frugality helps in the job as well; use and re-use is a wonderful skill, especially in today's green environment (4) baptized Catholic.
If you have interest in becoming involved in this ministry in a big way, or small way, please contact Carmelo Jimenez at [email protected]. This is a very rewarding and creative ministry!