The Following Events Currently Need your Support
Community Supper
Reach Out Food Pantry
For other volunteer opportunities please contact the parish office at [email protected] so that we can forward your information to the current coordinator.
Prayer is the beginning of stewardship because we must be spiritually prepared if we are to use our gifts in God’s service. Can you pause to spend time with God in any of the following ways?
Celebrate Mass every Sunday and each Holy Day
Celebrate daily Mass at least once a week
Spend time each week in Adoration
Pray together with my family
Read the bible at least one hour per week
Spend 15 minutes a day in personal prayer
Pray the rosary at least once per week
Participate in the sacrament of reconciliation monthly
Study the Catholic faith with others
Spend quality time with my spouse/ family each day
Give and it shall be given to you…for the measure, you measure with will be measured back to you – Luke 6:27-38